Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thanks for the Memories in 2008

To say the least Christmas at mom and dads is always fun and you don't know what to expect! The food is oh soooo delicious, the nativity program performed by the kids is an adventure, the white elephant exchange is unpredictable (this year was either homemade or free) and we always have a good time.

Thanks 'A' for an amaaaazing New Year's! For the 11 years Jeff and I have been together this was the first New Years spent apart. Jeff being in the Stake Young Mens Presidency he had to chaperone the New Years stake dance (Yipee! I declined to be his date) so I took the youngins to Aaron's house for a New Years party. It was a blast..... the main event was an Amazing Race around South Jordan in which my team kicked everyone's ace's. Victory was very much sweet and to all the loser's.... maybe next year! Ha! Ha! Thanks 'A' and Steph for an awesome party!